02 Crimson Root Base Chakra Spray

Crimson Root Base Chakra Spray

Crimson Root Base Chakra Spray
Crimson Root Base Chakra Spray


The Crimson Root Base Chakra Sprays ask you to : -Be at peace with your physical body – with its imperfections and of course its inherent beauty.

Do not shy away from the aging process – see it as a blessing to be here longer to experience more of what your soul came here to learn and be.

Search not for physical perfection, but inner balance and health. Your blood, your bones, your physical organs just as much a part of you in this lifetime as your soul that resides within its temporary home. But yet look after that home – your body – whatever its state, however you have been born or are now – look after it, nurture it. Do not hide it, be ashamed of it – but love it for you are it and it is you. Look at yourself, truly look at yourself and see all of you – not just the bits you like, but the bits you don’t – and then make peace with them, and love them too.

For if you don’t love your body, who will?

Within the crimson light we have life itself – the heart pumping and the blood flowing – the energy you need to run and jump and dance and breathe…

Crimson light within you – and expanding out of you – its power and strength capable of transforming your home, your finances, your health, your support and safety within this world.

Breathe in the crimson light and let it travel where it needs to travel within you.

Spray it around you and feel its protection, and sense of solidity.


Breathe in the crimson light and let it travel where it needs to travel within you.
Spray it around you and feel its protection, and sense of solidity.

Crimson love, Crimson strength, Crimson health, Crimson abundance.

Crimson Root Base Chakra Spray, order Here.

Essential Oils of: Cedarwood, Cypress, Patchouli, Ginger

Crystals infused: Himalayan Red Azeztulite, Red Tipped Amethyst, Kambala Jasper and Clear Quartz Platonic Solid

Useful For : Lethargy, During or after illness, If the physical body needs support, eg. after exercise, when changing diet etc. Good for all Skeletal, Muscle, Energy ailments, for Motivation, Direction, Passion and Grounding – when our Root/Base Chakra, physical body needs additional support.  Helpful when working with all kinds of abundance issues, finances, health, security, relationships etc.  Once again this spray is all about the joint, the bones and blood.  As such it is wonderful when working with high blood pressure or skin conditions such as Rosacea. Wonderful for working with bloodlines and ancestral issues.  As much as the Crimson colour itself is evocative of our life force, it is also a reminder that only in vibrant co operation with our bodies, our lives, our world, with each other, can we attain that energetic sprak this spray calls to us with. Use its vibrancy to energise all that we are and can be.

 Channelled words by Amanda Ellis



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You are reminded at all times that ultimate choice and decision belongs to you, and whilst I am happy to offer any help I can, this is not intended as any substitute or replacement for any legal, medical, financial or other such advice, that you may need to take.

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