26 Lilac Light Guidance and Insight

Lilac Light  Guidance and Insight


#Lilac Light Guidance and Insight
Lilac Light Guidance and Insight


Lilac Light  Guidance and Insight

Lilac Light to still the mind – to go within and find a quiet safe place of balance and peace. With the lightness of this energy anything heavy or burdensome can be gently lifted away from both the body, aura and mind.

Allow yourself to be led down this path of grace where beauty and purity lie.  The Lilac Light will slow everything down so that the only response can be one of stillness…allowing and giving permission to stop and just BE.

To be able to see and sense aspects in life from that higher perspective where there is no judgement, no right or wrong, just acceptance and trust and a dip into faith too.

In its silent reverent energy one can ask for help, feel that one is being heard and listen back for answers. Sometimes these may come from Metatron himself – or they come from your own inner knowing – Metatron reminding you of all your vast experience and wisdom – not just from this lifetime but many others which you can draw on to find the guidance and insight you seek.

Lilac Light  Guidance and Insight

The energy calms panic around any situation that is causing distress – enabling you to feel and see that there is always a way forward and always support when you need it.

Empowering you to realise your true potential – to have faith in your own instincts, hunches and feelings. To trust the guidance you receive and not doubt it or ask again and again….

To be less concerned with what others think and more at peace with how you feel and what you want.

Lilac Light brings back the magic into ourself – rather than seeing it as ‘out there’ Metatron reminds us that Lilac as the last colour on the visible rainbow spectrum – heralds the pot of gold at its end. That gold lies within us and  is the complimentary colour to the Lilac. Gold Stellar Gateway links particularly to this spray – offering very high vibrations of light to work with and integrate – truly both are gifts from the Angelic Kingdom for us here on Earth…..

Lilac Light  Guidance and Insight

Essential Oils Used:  Rosewood, Melissa, Rosemary, Gardenia.

Crystals Infused:  Amethyst, Revelation Stone, Shattuckite, Lavender Jade, Kammererite

Useful for:  Anyone developing their intuitive and psychic abilities and opening up of all their senses on their spiritual paths. To be used to open up the higher chakras and the heart so that guidance can be sought.  Perfect for enhancing meditation and connection to our inner state.  Relaxing into its soft embrace takes us back to a state of unconditional love where all answers lie.  The Lilac Light brings balance to any situation or issue that you are searching for answers on – dissolving heightened emotions so that the truth can be seen and felt.






DISCLAIMER: All information and advice given either on this website, or within private sessions with me are intended for guidance only.
You are reminded at all times that ultimate choice and decision belongs to you, and whilst I am happy to offer any help I can, this is not intended as any substitute or replacement for any legal, medical, financial or other such advice, that you may need to take.