Energy Update for February 26th to March 4th 2018


Energy Update for February 26th to March 4th 2018

“Our revels now are ended. These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits and
Are melted into air, into thin air:
And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capp’d towers, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Ye all which it inherit, shall dissolve
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.” …….William Shakespeare, The Tempest.


Energy Update for 2018.
12 month Energy Reading for 2018

This week we move from February’s energies and into March.  This year is all about Change, New Ideas, Updates, Change in the way we think, feel or do everything within our lives.  February’s over-arching energy was MOVE and March is NATURE.  Of course, as the wheel of the year turns everything changes and this year we are being asked to move synchronistical with external and internal changes,

The two cards to take us through to the end of February and the beginning of March are ENCHANTMENT and GUARDIANS.  Both messages belong together this week and do fit in beautifully together.

Energy Update for February 26th to March 4th 2018
Enchantment, February to March 2018

With Enchantment we see the huge luminosity of a full moon (perfect for March 1/2), drawing the spellbound gaze of a young boy sitting on a ledge.  He is enraptured by the vista, mesmerized by it, and I hear captured by the stories playing through his imagination.  It is from “the stuff of dreams” that the seeds of the present and the future are born and released.  We are reminded that dreams do not vanish always, but often are changed as they are shaped by the changes times can bring.  It is the “Inner Child” we must remember, nurture and welcome into our daily life who can keep those dreams alive.

The eye is drawn symbolically to the closeness of the moon, reminiscent of the Blue Moon last month, and yet the small child holds space before her without losing itself.  They show no fear as they perch above the skyline – for their inner imagining sees no barriers to what may be possible.  This is what we are asked to remember also.  Never lose sight of your dreams.  Be open to any possibilities but be flexible enough to adapt to changes.  The Universe is their oyster, is indeed our oyster, and we have but to reach towards it with our heart and spirit to lead us towards a future undreamed of.  All things are possible if we dare to dream.

Energy Update for February 26th to March 4th 2018
Guardians, February -March 2018

GUARDIANS is a beautiful image, which always brings comfort.  Within its depths, we see the immensity of Spirit, our loved ones and our Guardians stretching away into the infinite Universe.  The huge wingspan reminds me of Archangel Metatron and Michael, and all the others we are connected to who are there to offer guidance, teaching, and comfort when needed.

Remember that in as much as Guardians surround us we are also Guardians ourselves, of our loved ones, family, friends, and our planet.  It is also a reminder that we are part of this greater cosmic circle of life and need to be an active participant within it.  It is no longer time for us to stand back for someone else to take responsibility for what is happening or will happen in the future.  We, each of us, have a responsibility to take positive actions, for ourselves and to help others so that the dreams of the future can indeed take shape.  As such the Enchantment and dreams of the Inner Child are able to come forth only when we becomes active as Guardians ourselves, knowing we are assisted by our own Guardians in moving forward together to a better, 5D way of life.  It is a time to dream, be playful, live life fully and consciously supported by our loved ones as we support others.

As we move towards NATURE, we remember that it is the physical beauty of Mother Earth, our need to be close to her and grounded within her and also to our inner self.  The connection between our very natures and the world we inhabit is called into play. The earthly cycles are as important as the cycle of life, is the cycle of life!  As we see our weather patterns showing such upheaval, a reflection of Gaia, we also see the sometimes violent upheaval within ourselves – such as the shooting in Florida, the shooting deaths of two people by police in one week in South East Queensland, Australia.
We are asked to balance our Inner Child and the outward signs of a 3D world with the true nature of a 5D world.  Nature is doing this in a noticeable way, so too are we asked to sometimes go through dramatic changes to allow our true nature to shine.  The playful, engaging, dreaming Inner Child also has a great resilience to setbacks.  They dream a little more until the dream is reality, they bring their true Nature into being.


Blessings, Susan xx

#AngelicVibrations, #UniversalProphecyCards, #Enchantment, #Guardians, #FullMoon, #February26toMarch4, #February2018, #March2018, #InnerChild, #Magic, #SpiritualSupport,

In This Wonderful Life


In This Wonderful Life


“When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You know that your name is safe in their mouth.”
Jess C. Scott, The Intern

 In this wonderful life, this often difficult to understand existence we share with the world around us and all its inhabitants, we can be forgiven for wondering what is wonderful about it. It can drive us to distraction and also to the heights of ecstasy, all within the space of moments. It can make us question our reason for being, our reason to stay, and our reason for the apparently innumerable atrocities we are bombarded with daily.

I rarely watch the news broadcasts, the innumerable advertisements, radio broadcasts, or read the newspapers.  Good news is hard to find in any of these places and the horrors are far too many to count.  It is difficult to find the “milk of human kindness” whilst being deluged with the nightmarish ability of some people to perpetuate abominable acts.

Yet, even accepting all of this, I still feel, still believe, that this life is wonderful.  We have been gifted with an abundance of beauty, of goodness, kindness and the opportunity to share our happiness, gratitude, and kindness with our fellow Spirits, our fellow travellers on life’s road.  We have the choice, should we decide to do so, to make a difference in our world, even if it is only in a small way.  Even the small acts of kindness and gratitude add up and make a significant difference to others and to our world.  Without these simple acts of goodness, we would surely be in a dark place.

 In This Wonderful Life

“I wanted a perfect ending. Now I’ve learned, the hard way, that some poems don’t rhyme, and some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what’s going to happen next.
Delicious Ambiguity.”
Gilda Radner

I see the struggle some people have to endure, the hardships and terrors, homelessness and cruelty and I know that our small acts of consideration are immeasurably worthwhile.  The “Thank You” to a waiter or shop assistant for serving us with a smile, helping us to find something we want and in doing so, making our day better.  They deserve the same acknowledgement.  It makes my heart light to return a smile, a “Thank You” and more, to let their superior know that they’ve done a good job.  It takes but a small moment and can mean so much.

We can have no idea what is happening in their lives – the hardships or losses that might be lightened, even slightly, by a kind word or gesture.  I remember one sad-looking lady, going about her job in the coffee shop, smiling in all the right places, going out of her way to help by bringing someone an extra jug of milk with a smile.  A smile tinged with sadness – hiding the loss of someone dear.  A gentle touch on her wrist, a connection between our eyes as I thanked her for her kindness and for just a moment, I saw that dark cloud lift, just a little. Letting her boss know how good the service was and seeing her smile again – worth so much to know I may have made a small difference for just a moment.  Who knows how important such a moment may be?  If we truly wish to be able to live “In This Wonderful Life” then we must rethink our way of thinking, feeling, acting and living.

These small acts of kindness, or “Random Acts of Kindness” as they have become known, are often as precious as gold or silver.  They spread ripples out into the world, growing ever larger and with unknown consequences.  I have even heard a story about how one small act of kindness stopped someone from taking their life. They later said it was this small thing that made them decide they would keep trying and then they helped someone else and they found the strength to keep going.

In This Wonderful Life
Wonderful Life in Nature

“To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all, to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never to forget.”
Arundhati Roy, The Cost of Living

We have all seen or heard of the film “Pay it Forward”.  A beautiful film, which has immortalised on-screen this effect of doing small acts of kindness and how it can grow beyond anything, we may imagine.  Yet, it is only one side of the coin.  We can be selfish, self-centred and consumed by our own wants, ignoring everyone and everything else or we can think and act as though we already had a beautiful place In This Wonderful Life.


In This Wonderful Life
“Pay it Forward”


If you watch the daily news, read the daily papers, even the internet, you can be inundated with the horror stories that can destroy any chance of peace of mind.  Occasionally it is impossible to ignore the stories of cruelty perpetuated by other people.  Children beaten so badly, like a young toddler today that he could not be saved.  We can be brought down by these stories, these acts of barbarism to such an extent that we can find no answer to the question of “Why?”  Why do these things happen to innocents before they’ve had a chance to explore this wonderful life?


In This Wonderful Life
Magic is all around us – Always.


“Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad.”
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

If this question is asked, there is usually someone who will say they were angels, not meant to stay here on earth.  Yet I find little comfort in this at times.  Even accepting the premise that they chose this life, however brief it was, cannot lift the weight on our hearts at their pain and suffering.  How can this be something happening In This Wonderful Life?

Bad things happen because, at present, good people do not do enough to create enough ripples of kindness to prevent bad things happening.  It is a wonderful life.  It is filled with wonder and joy, happiness and kindness.  We can and do make a difference if we chose to.  We don’t need coaching to do this because we already know what to do.  Being kind, grateful, generous, are already a part of us. We have to make a conscious choice to follow those beautiful parts of ourselves and we can effect wonderful change around us.

In This Wonderful Life


When was the last time you smiled at a stranger, or dropped spare change into a buskers cap?  When did you last smile at your waitress and genuinely thank her for serving you, thanking her for looking after your needs?  When did you thank the lady at the checkout, the baker in the bakery, the butcher for selecting a beautiful cut of meat from the local farm or the stall holder who was selling fresh home-grown vegetables for you to enjoy?  In This Wonderful Life there are so many ways we can all make this world a wonderful place, our daily lives a “Wonderful Life”.

 In This Wonderful Life


Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone won’t either, for solitude will also break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on earth. You are here to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed up. And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed, or left, or hurt, or death brushes near, let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples falling all around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness. Tell yourself you tasted as many as you could.”
Louise Erdrich, The Painted Drum LP


In This Wonderful Life


So I would ask you – remember to be Mindful, be in the moment, stop to consider how you think and act and remember that one small act of kindness or generosity can indeed be the small seed to save a life or even save the world.  In this Wonderful Life we can make magic happen.

If you are a movie buff, you might be interested in watching an old movie called “It’s a Wonderful Life” with James Stewart.  It says everything beautifully.


Blessings, Susan♥

© Susan Alexander February 2018