About Susan Alexander


One of the wonderful things about life is that, when you begin to talk about yourself, you find that there are some beautiful similarities, as well as the differences which make us individuals.  So here is the story of Susan Alexander.

Susan Alexander

I am, or have been, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister and a friend. To some, Susan Alexander may have been a teacher, a colleague, a student or to others I may have been a pain in the neck! I am as human as the next person, with all my uniqueness, peculiarities and nuances.  Most importantly I am who I am after the lessons I have learned up to this point in my life. I phrase it this way since I firmly believe that I am still learning and will continue to do so until I have completed my lessons in life.

I am married to a wonderful man and have two adult children, and I am blessed to say I love my family deeply.  I would be crazy if I didn’t feel this way.  It is this ability to care for others which has been the foundation of my life story.

Very early in life I knew I wanted to be able to help people, to make a difference by being able to help those who were “unable” to help themselves in a way which I could.  This was the motivation for becoming a Police Officer with the Queensland Police Force.  At that time I learned the satisfaction of helping people at a time when often heart wrenching events took place.  It was also a crucible for some intense learning by me, as I came face to face with who I was and what I ultimately hoped to do.  It was difficult to leave the Police  but it has been, ultimately, so deeply rewarding that I cannot but feel grateful for both the experiences of that time and since.

Susan Alexander – the healer

Like many people who embark on the energy healing journey, I started with Reiki and later Seichim, the male and female forms of this particular energy healing. It is, ostensibly,  the most well-known form of energy healing  by most people, up to this point.  Yet my journey had not reached its ending there. After this I followed it with Melchizedek healing and Pellowah healing, both forms of angelic healing.  They helped me to understand the scope of energy healing and how intertwined all healing can be with the angelic realm.  At the same time I was drawn to study Metaphysics as a way to further understand all that is unseen yet has such an impact on us.

As I was doing this, I also became a qualified Counsellor, believing at that point that this was the way I could truly help people heal. It had and has amazing times of deep gratitude for myself when I can feel the burden carried by someone I am helping being eased. It was also a strange feeling, in that I was doing a worthwhile occupation, helping people and yet there was also the feeling that I was missing something, something which would bring greater help to more people and also fulfil that desire to help.

It was after a prolonged break due to family circumstances that I was drawn to an article on another form of healing. I traveled to the UK, where I was born many years earlier, to study in Edinburgh.  I went on to complete this and find it still potent today but I was still searching for that elusive “something” I knew was now close.

Susan Alexander discovers Metatron

It was whilst I was in Edinburgh that I heard about Metatron Colour Healing and Amanda Ellis who was teaching this. I looked her up on the internet and immediately recognised that often heard voice in the back of my mind saying that I had found what I had been searching for.  My only problem was that she was located in the UK also and there were no plans to come to Australia in the foreseeable future.  However, when the call has been made and Metatron had certainly done that, there was going to be a way to do what I needed to.  A Level One at Distance was completed and I eventually returned to the UK to complete Level 2 and take Teachers Training in Metatron Colour Healing in November 2016.

The journey for Susan Alexander is by no means over. I already know there are more things for me to learn which Metatron will guide me to.  I have a wonderful mentor in Amanda and I know I will be returning to the UK in the future.  In the interim I am getting ready to facilitate my own workshops here in Brisbane and possibly further afield as people become aware of Metatrons call.  My first YouTube video for Metatron has already been uploaded and more will follow.   Healing is currently offered mainly through Skype as I gear up to face to face healing when I find a suitable location.

I look forward to meeting those who are interested in learning more, for healing or for teaching in the future.  As love and light grow on this, our wonderful Mother Gaia, moving us from our dense 3 Dimensional viewpoint to a harmonious 5th Dimensional way of life, I send you all my Love, Light and Blessings.

Susan Alexander

Metatron's Cube Metatron’s Cube






DISCLAIMER: All information and advice given either on this website, or within private sessions with me are intended for guidance only.
You are reminded at all times that ultimate choice and decision belongs to you, and whilst I am happy to offer any help I can, this is not intended as any substitute or replacement for any legal, medical, financial or other such advice, that you may need to take.

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