
Metatron – What Do We Know About Metatron?

References to Metatron or similarly spelled names, are found mainly in the ancient Judaic texts of the Talmud, the Seforah, or Rabbinical texts. There also seems to be little consensus on whom or what Metatron is.  It has been said that he was the Prophet Enoch who, upon his death, was rewarded by God for his life of holy works, by being able to transcend and become the Archangel Metatron.



Similarly, Sandalphon is said to have been Elijah, who was  rewarded upon his death so that he became the Archangel Sandalphon.  Metatron and Sandalphon often work together.

They are the only two Archangels whose names do not end in the usual “-el”, which means “of God.” So what can we find about Metatron?

  • Metatron probably derived from the Latin “metator”, one who metes out or marks off a place, a divider or fixer of boundaries, a measurer, although several other suggestions exist.
  • “Mattatron” is an archangel in Judaism, known as the “recording angel” or the “Chancellor of Heaven.” However, in the Rabbinical literature Metatron is said to be the “highest of the angels’ and “serves as the celestial scribe” or recording angel”.
  • Metatron is said to be the angel who watches over all the other Archangels and angels. He is sometimes referred to as the “Prince of Angels”, “The Chancellor of Heaven” or “The Great Architect” in some of the ancient Rabbinical texts.
  • There is also reference to him being the “Lesser YHWH”, this being the name of God.
  • According to Jewish apocrypha, M is the name Enoch received after his transformation to an Archangel. Metatron is also said to be one of the 72 names of God.
  • Metatron is said to be the only angel permitted to look into the face of God. Some describe him as “Second in Command”


As you can see, there is very little written and much of it appears duolicated in some way but all agree that Metatron exists and he is “at the head” of all the Archangels and angels.  In truth, the historical stories and myths matter little, as it is who he is today that matters – how he reveals himself to us.  How he can help us, and our world, in this, the 21st Century, the age of Ascension.

What is now accepted is that he is bringing to the fore the knowledge of Sacred Geometry,  the Platonic Solids,  Merkaba, Metatron’s Cube , the Tree of Life and also the Ankh.

I first studied the Merkaba when I was doing my work with Melchizedek healing.  Drunvalo Melchizedek described the Merkaba as a 3D Star of David.  i.e. Two interlocking Tetrahedrons (Pyramids), one right side up and the other upside down which enveloped the entire human body.  The downward facing tetrahedron representing the masculine and the upward facing tetraheron the feminine aspect.  In fact, a Merkaba exists around every living thing – you and I, each animal, plant, rock and the planet earth itself.  The Merkaba is an electromagnetic field and existd around each organism on our planet.

Metatron has explained that it can be activated in other ways than those I leaned earlier, such as, the strength and power of angelic light and love.  It is simply different and it is up to the person searching for answers to find which resonates with them.

#merkabah, #Metatron, #SusanAlexander, #AngelicVibrations

This is one of the best representations of a person inside the Merkaba and how it completely envelops the body. The downard facing terahedron rotates clockwise and the upward facing tetrahedron rotates anti clockwise.

So: Who is Metatron?

When I asked Metatron this question he replied by telling me that who he “was” is unimportant in consideration of who he “is”.  Today he is the “Angel of Ascension,” here to guide us in these days of progress towards our new state of being or knowingness.

When asked what that meant in direct ways for the planet and each of us he said this:  He is here to guide those who are ready to move towards a new way of being.  At present the earth and her inhabitants are in a 3Dimensional state of being or existence; one of fear, jealousy, envy, hate, conditional love, and non-compromise.  All of us are moving as we work towards it, to a 5Dimensional way of living, one of acceptance, joy, harmony, co-operation, compromise, peace, and unconditional love.

It has also meant, to me at least, of moving towards a time of endless possibilities and manifestation!

Metatron is foremost a guide, who seeks to show us the possibilities should one choose to follow a path of non-judgement since there is no persuasion to do anything one feels they cannot do.  That being said, he is also quite persistent and if you have committed to working with him, he will push if he feels you need it!  He stands ready to work with anyone who makes the choice and is ready.

He always appears, to my mind, (and to those who are Clairvoyant – clear seeing, or Clairsentient – clear knowing, to be of immense stature, far taller than the other Archangels.  His wings are so large that they can encompass the world so his wings shelter us all.  As much as we work with others in our daily life, so too does Metatron and he calls on the other Archangels and Ascended Masters if there is a need, something we need or want to know or more often now, is they have messages for us.  I also learned, after studying for some time, that he is also the Master of the Akashic Records, which tied in amazingly,(except to Metatron who already knew), to my work on Soul Realignment – working with the Akashic Records.

Irrespective of how I try to describe Metatron I am aware that he is so much more and my mere words cannot do justice to all that he is. As a teacher he is always there to help and will bring forth the information or persons needed to help. He is an invaluable aid in assisting me to do the work on myself I both want and need to do in order to become the highest version of myself possible.

#Metatron Sandalphon Australia