22 Emerald Renewal Recovery and Repair


Emerald Renewal Recovery and Repair
#Emerald Renewal Recovery and Repair
Emerald Renewal Recovery and Repair


Emerald Renewal Recovery and Repair

With this energy you are taken into an ancient forest with trees that have stood for thousands of years. Here you remember your connection to the land and the earth and remember who you really are. Whatever circumstance you find yourself in or whatever condition has manifested – the Emerald ray brings in renewal and a chance to start again. Born out of work in Belfast, Northern Ireland the symbolism here is relevant – where there has been so much pain, anguish and blood spilled – we can reclaim once more the deepest levels of healing that Archangel Metatron gifts us with and be reborn. To be used for deep rooted pain – sometimes buried so deep we are even unconsciously aware it is even there. This can help heal Ancestral, Karmic and this life time pain from the most painful wounds to aid recovery.

Emerald also holds deep healing for the heart where we often store so much of our discomfort and hurt. Emerald is strong, it cuts to the crux of the matter. Used after the Midnight spray it can draw out all negativity and toxicity that we hold – offering us new shoots of life and energy that we have been unable to breathe trapped in our circle of despair and despondency.

Emerald Renewal Recovery and Repair

A very useful spray in healing – whether in hands on healing, psychic healing or distance healing – to break through layers of scar tissue and heal whatever is present.

Emerald also gives us a big push from Metatron to love ourselves – there is no room for self doubt and self criticism here within this energy – just a reminder of how much we deserve love and to treat ourselves and others with they respect they deserve.

A deep detoxifier and cleanser for the physical body and physical objects such as homes, spaces etc. Also useful for ritual work eg putting back positive energy to the earth and land and our communities.

This spray out of all of the Metatron sprays is the one most linked in to the crystal kingdom. Beautiful powerful crystals stepped forward to be included in this spray including: Dioprase, Blue Amber, Petrified Wood, Mohawkite, Emerald and Brazilianite – all of them reflecting the colours of the earth itself. In terms of healing, Brazilianite itself has been called the ‘The Stone of Return’ – by which it is meant that it helps return the body back to its optimum place of balance and harmony.

Emerald Renewal Recovery and Repair

Essential Oils Used:  Frankincense, Bergamot, Corriander, Veyiver, Cedarwood Atlas

Crystals Infused:  Mohawkite, Dioptase, Petrified Wood, Brazilianite, Blue Amber, Emerald.

Useful  for:   All of the body – but especially Heart Chakra – or wherever there feels a need for healing. This spray is also very grounding, takes one out of their head and into their physical body. Great for boosting physical energy, bringing balance and harmony, bringing one to their senses in terms of shock or fear.




DISCLAIMER: All information and advice given either on this website, or within private sessions with me are intended for guidance only.
You are reminded at all times that ultimate choice and decision belongs to you, and whilst I am happy to offer any help I can, this is not intended as any substitute or replacement for any legal, medical, financial or other such advice, that you may need to take.