05 Lime Heart Chakra Spray

Lime Heart Chakra Spray
Lime Heart Chakra Spray


Lime Heart Chakra Spray

We need our heart to be in a  state of cleanliness – not clogged up with old emotions, upsets and pain – these will eventually lead to disease if not removed and replaced with something else.  There is a need for purity and what has been called “zero state” for our hearts to be fully open and to be functioning well. The Lime Heart Chakra Spray will do just this.

Lime is a high vibrational colour so the Lime Heart Chakra Spray vibrationally lifts from the heart anything which is stuck there, anything old which is no longer needed, anything slowing the pumping of the heart to its normal rhythm.

Like the lime juice, the Lime Heart Chakra Spray is alkalinising, it is revitalising and refreshing.  Its bright light brings unsullied beauty to the heart, enabling the heart to raise its vibration with the high vibration of this spray. It allows the heart to become open to unconditional love.  In this place of higher vibration the heart is a powerful transmitter for the new Metatron energies arriving on Earth.  This is something we all need, an ability to unconditionally love, accept and be open to the love from others, from our world, outside our world, from the Universe, from Source itself.

In a way it is like a rebirth for our hearts like we welcome in the springtime air once winter has gone. Lime Heart Chakra Spray gets to the roots of an issue and also plants seeds firmly in thenow fertile ground. It brings clarity to any situation, especially situations causing heartache, showing us the bigger picture from a higher perspective, something needed to enable us to rise above the minutiae of the problem. .  It is the ultimate supporter when we are ready to grow and change and lift ourselves from where we have been to where we COULD be.  Allow the Lime Heart Chakra Spray to assist you.

We need this so much in these days when many things appear to block our forward momentum towards unconditional love and acceotance, compassion and forgiveness, for ourselves as well as others.  This Lime Heart spray cleanses the heart of needless reminders of past hurts, allowing us to open our hearts, shining forth this beautiful light of love and understanding by which we all can rise to 5th dimensional living and unconditional love.


Lime for cleansing. Lime for growth, Lime for clarity and Lime for raising the divine feminine energy within us all that is seated at the heart.


Essential Oils Used: Grapefruit, Fennel and Jasmine.

Crystals Infused: Brazikianite Rhodocrosite, Golden Healer, Watermelon Tourmaline, Purple Fluorite Octahedron Platonic Solid.

Lime Heart Chakra Spray order HERE

Useful for: Grief, Healing Heartbreak, Relationship difficulties, Opening to receive love and help from Higher Realms, Cleansing, Inner Child work, Letting Go of Past Hurts, Serious heartache, gives reassurance that it can heal when there is “no hope”. Opening the heart to remove old wounds, old hurt, stagnant energies and clearing them away, allowing brilliant light, pure energy of unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness and acceotance to flow forth.



Text edited from channelled words by Amanda Ellis




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