06 Jade Higher Heart Chakra Spray

Jade Higher Heart Chakra Spray
Jade Higher Heart Chakra Spray


Jade Higher Heart Chakra Spray

Jade Higher Heart Chakra Spray for the Higher Heart and Thymus – a place that is the bridge between Heart and Throat – two of the most powerful yet vulnerable places in the human physical body. Places where hurts, injuries and emptiness can overwhelm.

Jade Higher Heart Chakra Spray effortlessly protects these areas – it also bolsters your immune system and helps prevent infection and disease. Jade Higher Heart Chakra Spray is for those who are already ill – whether it is physical or mental,  it helps to reprogram what the body has learnt and heard – for the body responds to our inner voice, our thoughts, our feelings just as much it does the DNA each of you are born with.

Jade Higher Heart Spray’s energy will assist in clearing away harmful messages we have put into our body.  Consciously or subconsciously we put messages into our bodies with our very thoughts,  each and every moment of the day, if we are not careful of what we are thinking.  The higher heart centre is a transmitter which sends signals to other parts of our body which then causes these areas to act by either making them stronger or weaker.  Messages such as “I can’t cope”,  “I’m not supported”,  “I can’t do this”,  “I’m nervous – scared – challenged” etc which in turn floods the body with endorphins from the adrenal glands which manifest these thoughts into something else within your body.  This also occurs when the body is under attack, prolonged fear and the flight / fight syndrome all affect our body’s ability to respond in a healthy way. The Jade Higher Heart Chakra Spray will help to clear away these negative or harmful thoughts turned into feelings which have become ailments.

It is well known that is we change how we think, how we talk to ourselves we can change the cells in our body. Science has shown that our thoughts alone can change the cellular structure of water, and the body is 70% water!  (See Dr Emoto’s work for more information on this.) Let the Jade Higher Heart Chakra Spray to strengthen you in doing this, by allowing it to send new, positive, properly transmitted messages to where they need to go to strengthen the body. .

Jade Higher Heart Chakra Spray allows for new beginnings, helping to clear past karma which may be carried over into this incarnation and affecting your body now,  With the Fuchsia Pink and  the Plum spray,  it helps you LOVE your body and find a new respect for it.

The Higher Heart Chakra is the bridge betwern heart and throat, helping us to find our voice with love and bring forth messages of love to be heard in the world.  It is the receiver for the heart and allows us to open up to greater channels out in the wider cosmos,  enabling us to utilise the light and love within you and that received from the Universe. The Jade Higher Heart Chakra Spray assists you to do just this

The Jade Higher Heart Chakra Spray allows us to charge up our light body, activate and repair damaged cells and DNA as it is a portal to the wider universe.  The Jade energy is a light and very high vibration and can be used in times of illness, to promote wellness and as a tonic when unwell.

Being aligned with the heart, the Jade Higher Heart Chakra Spray helps us to access unconditonal love and process forgiveness.  Such qualities of 5th Dimensinal existence as Compassion, Oneness, Unconditional Love and Empathy are all heightened by the higher heart centre being clear and open which the Jade Higher Heart Chakra Spray is able to do for us.

It is also part of the Spiritual Protection Power Pack:  the Jade Higher Heart Chakra Spray with the Silver Crown Chakra Spray.


Jade Higher Heart Chakra Spray order HERE

Essential Oils are : Thyme, Lemon, Ginger

Crystals infused: Linarite, Angelite, Howlite, Larimar, Green Calcite and Azumar.

Useful for: Protection, Prevention, Reprogramming, Love and Forgiveness. Any Immune related disorder, For Colds, Flu, To prevent infection eg in families when one is ill, When travelling, Visiting or staying in hospital, For light activation work, Good for those who over give and then get run down. Wonderful for healers or anybody in close contact with the public. Invaluable with its ability to repair DNA, to bridge the heart and throat, allowing us to speak from the heart.  To bring unconditional love into the worl through messages of love, unconditional and all encompassing.




Text edited from channelled words by Amanda Ellis



Disclaimer  All information and advice given either on this website, or within private sessions with me are intended for guidance only.  You are reminded at all times that ultimate choice and decision belongs to you, and whilst I am happy to offer any help I can, this is not intended as any substitute or replacement for any legal, medical, financial or other such advice, that you may need to take.

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