03 Plum Sacral Chakra Spray

Plum Sacral Chakra Spray


Plum Sacral Chakra Spray


Plum Sacral Chakra Spray

The Sacral area is where we store our wounds and betrayals, our hurts, shocks and pain – whether new or old,  sometimes so old they have become “deept rooted” until they have fallen into the mists of time, into our sub conscious or unconscious mind, yet they still are carried here, often unaware to our mind but not our body.  Our body brings through these old wounds and we are, at times, unable to understsand where these issues have come from.  The Plum Sacral Chakra Spray can heal this.

Metatron’s love is unconditional and this Plum Sacral Chakra Spray speaks of acceptance, healing, safety after the pain is removed, without  conditions attached.   It reminds you that you are eternal, a Divine Spirit and powerful beyond measure, a fact simply forgtten until now.  This frequency of love will never fail you, never abandon you and never not support you. This Plum Sacral Chakra Spray offers you just this from Metatron himself.

Plum Sacral Chakra Spray will help you to tap into new fertile ground where you are not pulled back, but lovingly pushed forward by Metatron’s loving energy. Helped to a place  where you can be creative, sexual, joyous and free.  All emotions and feelings you may have been blocking until now.  Your true self can emerge from the shadows,  and once you have emerged from the shadows and overcome the barriers and blockages that hold you in fear you will shine ever more brightly.

Within the colour of this Plum Sacral Chakra Spray we have the richness and majesty of love in all its splendour.  It is evocative of the deep purple colour of the plum as it shows its ripeness, it’s readiness for use, and the expectation of all that flows from within it. Like the food of life it nourishes us as we step into the future without the hurts, pains and wounds we had carried for so long if we had not allowed this Plum Sacral Chakra Spray in to help.

Plum (Purple) for Spiritual Insight and Creativity; for Divine Recognition, for the Harvest and Planting of seeds for the future (metaphysical sense).

Plum Sacral Chakra Spray


Edited text from Channelled informatiom by Amanda Ellis

Essential Oils Used – Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang and Rose,

Crystals Infused – Unakite, Golden Healer, Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Citrine, Fire Agate and Bustamite.

Useful for: The Sacral area is where we store our wounds, betrayals. So use it for:-  Healing of Trauma / Shock stored in the Sacral area; at any time you need Divine Love, for Creative Pursuits; Sexual issues. Use when needing Inspiration for new initiatives or relationships; for bringing Metatron’s love close to you. It is wonderful to use in maintainng or building a deeper, closer, more personal connection with Metatron.  This is a very comforting and nurturing spray, it could be said to be soporific like a lullaby so may help sleep issues.

This is a mutli purpose spray – as are all the sprays.  If you are drawn to this colour it means you need it.






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You are reminded at all times that ultimate choice and decision belongs to you, and whilst I am happy to offer any help I can, this is not intended as any substitute or replacement for any legal, medical, financial or other such advice, that you may need to take.

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