07 Aquamarine Throat Chakra Spray

Aquamarine Throat Chakra Spray
Aquamarine Throat Chakra Spray
Aquamarine Throat Chakra Spray


Aquamarine Throat Chakra Spray

The Aquamarine Throat Chakra Spray is Communication done in a different way….. Speaking and listening in equal measure, both just as important. To truly hear another, and to speak your truth in return – so few are able to do both. Communication is also about discernment – who do you choose to listen to, who do you follow, or elevate in status, whilst not recognising your own inherent wisdom. This is the time to let your voice of love be heard in a world that sorely needs it.  Using your voice to speak only the truth whilst coming from a place of unconditional love, compassion and clarity whilst being able to see with absolute integrity that which may not be palatable but is unavoidably necessary to bring this truth, integrity and honour for the world to hear.

Aquamarine has qualities within it that are not of this world – it brings in vibrations and energy from different galaxies and stars where many methods of being understood and what you call speech are in place. Telepathy, Intuition, the sense of knowingness… and more besides that you will come to learn in years to come. The Aquamarine Throat Chakra Spray allows these energies to flow and for you to bring them through and be heard today and in the future.

The throat is linked to the heart and third eye – a clear channel is needed between all of them. The aquamarine runs its crystalline light through each – as well as upward to the ear channels too. All must be clear and connected for each to be working as they need to so that all we say is done with hinesty and integrity, unconditional lpve and yet strength to bring to light the good whilst not flinching from that which is not.

There is a great need for our communication to be truthful at all times. Without truth there is nothing – all are diminished by lies and misconceptions and these are hurtful and damaging not only to those who hear this communication but to ourselves who utter these words or think those thoughts.  Our thoughts create our reality – our words bring strength to those visions of reality, it is an invoilate truth that these new ways of seeing, saying and doing are needed.  There are too many in the world today who are unable or choose not to live by what is right or wrong and all suffer as a result.

You yourself are also important – Watch your words – because your words carry far more than you think. Watch your thoughts because they create your reality, and watch what you chose to hear and respond to as they can also alter the reality you wish to create. .

Take care of the throat – the place through which you breathe and life itself travels into the body.


Aquamarine Throat Chakra Spray order HERE

Essential Oils Used: Spike Lavendar, Blue Chamomile and Lemon.

Crystals Infused: Linarite, Angelite, Howlite, Larimar, Green Calcite and Azumar.

Useful for: Truth,for Judgement, for listening and for being heard: for any Throat / Nose / Ears physical condition, Help with both Communicating and Being Heard, Finding Your Voice, Helping if you are afraid of Public Speaking. Channeling, Speech Writing, Singing, Speech Impediments or Shyness in Speaking. Also good to Clear Past Traumas from the throat area where much past life memory is held. Invaluable for bringing the intefrity back into the spoken arena, for allowing what is needed to be heard to be done with unconditional love and respect whilst ensuring the message is heard without misunderstanding.



Text edited from channelled words by Amanda Ellis




Disclaimer  All information and advice given either on this website, or within private sessions with me are intended for guidance only. You are reminded at all times that ultimate choice and decision belongs to you, and whilst I am happy to offer any help I can, this is not intended as any substitute or replacement for any legal, medical, financial or other such advice, that you may need to take.

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