Karma, The Ascension Process and You



Karma and You

Karma (car-ma) is a word meaning the result of a person’s actions as well as the actions themselves. It is a term about the cycle of cause and effect. According to the theory of Karma, what happens to a person, happens because they caused it with their actions. It is an important part of many religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism

The theory of Karma can be thought to be an extension to Newton’s third law of action and reaction where every action of any kind including words, thoughts feelings, the totality of our existence, will eventually have a reaction, same type of energy coming back to the one that caused it. It implies that absolutely nothing exists, which does not comply with the law of cause and effect. On the scale of the Universe it would imply absolute determinism of all actions, feelings, thoughts and developments for the past and for the future making both calculable, if the current state of the Universe would be known fully.

In terms of spiritual development, Karma is about all that a person has done, is doing and will do. Karma is not about punishment or reward. It makes a person responsible for their own life, and how they treat other people. (Courtesy of Wikipedia)

What is Karma –  beyond the explanation found above?  Karma means action, word or deed, It also refers to the Spiritual principle of the Law of Cause and Effect, where intent and the actions of an individual (cause) influence the future of that individual or another (effect).


Karma, as you can see, all of the above can be found in one form or another on a search of the internet, books or spiritual discussion groups. In one sense it makes Karma fairly simple and not too bothersome until you scrape the surface and look deeper into it. Like so many other things in life, there are layers upon layers of its understanding and its application and effects on both you and I.

Archangel Metatron, my main guide,  is also the overseer of the Akashic Records which contain the record of everything each of us has done, or not done since we, as spiritual beings became incarnated in a physical body for the first time. Karma is a human construct and is, so far as we have thus far been able to understand, ‘here’ to enable us to learn and grow  whilst we have a human existence moving always through or towards Ascension as a human being. Currently we are working towards moving from a 3rd Dimensional way of being, of hate, fear, loss, greed, envy towards the 5th Dimensional way of being which can be encapsulated by “Unconditional Love”.

Therefore, to understand Karma, we need to understand, and accept, that we have been working with Karma during each life we have had, bringing ones Karmic debts (or credits) with us into each new lifetime.  If we live a life filled with goodness, kindness, charity, and service towards our fellow men and women, we may have “worked off” or repaid any karmic debts we may have accrued and brought forward.  It forms the basis for the Circle of Life or the Wheel of Life – reincarnating until we have completed all the lessons we have chosen to learn until we are ready to finally remain in Spirit, having completed the wheel and arrived at a place / state of goodness which no longer required us to go back into the cycle of life again. Along the way we will ascend to higher and higher dimensions until we have reached our final destination.

Metatron laughingly points out that we are Human Beings and not in our Spiritual form which is the reason we have chosen to be in physical form, learning and growing to be the completeness we are able to be. Throughout recorded history we have been given examples of people who have displayed inexplicable and heinous acts of cruelty and evil and others who have shown incomparable acts of goodness, kindness, selflessness, charity and aid towards others.  They have acted as living examples of Karma in action, an “endless knot” we must navigate to reach our final destination – after working through our Ascension process..

#Endless Knot

The endless knot has been described as “an ancient symbol representing the interweaving of the Spiritual path, the flowing of Time and Movement within That Which is Eternal. All existence, it says, is bound by time and change, yet ultimately rests serenely within the Divine and the Eternal.”[1)

Let us have a quick look at how history has recorded the actions of people working on the Endless Knot of Karma.

Persons exhibiting the negative aspects of Karmic behaviors:

Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan, Stalin, Hitler, the Rwanda Genocide, Pol Pot and Saddam Hussein. These of course are only a few of the men and unnamed women who perpetrated horrendous acts towards their fellow man and woman. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/moslive/article-2091670/Hitler-Stalin-The-murderous-regimes-world.html

Looking at the other aide of this situation we find those who were concerned with the welfare of their fellow humans and went to extraordinary lengths to help them.

Albert Schweitzer, Florence Nightingale, Dr Fred Hollows, Razia Jan (Afghanistan), Betty Makoni  (Zimbabwe), Dr, Rick Hodes (Ethiopia), Narayaman Krishnan (India), and Aki Ra (Cambodia). These represent only a few of those who devoted their lives to good. https://listverse.com/2013/05/31/10-modern-day-heroes-actively-changing-the-world/ 

AA Metatron  told me there was no need to find examples to prove what I was saying was correct, yet it always pleased that analytical part of me which said people would be more likely to understand if they can see the evidence in front of them . Hence the links to validate statements which might otherwise be challenged. The disclaimer is, of course, that there was no way all the good or evil people could be listed here. It would serve no useful purpose and could, inadvertently, make people feel overwhelmed.  Metatron is quick to reassure everyone that Grace is available to everyone. Karma is the way we move through our learning phase until we have reached, at least at present, the way of Unconditional Love which is the 5th Dimension way of Being.

If Karma was a large pool, and Ascension the pool beyond, then one drop of water in each pool would send ripples out beyond our understanding. They meet at a point – many points – where they cancel each other. This is when  we have learned the lessons of Karma and are ready for Ascension.

Metatron shows me a simple example that is easy to follow.


  • Evil = all the negative actions we see, hear, do, think
  • Live = the opportunity to transmute negative to positive Karma (or vice versa)
  • Love = the place we reach when we have transmuted  all our negative “stuff”.

Of course the equation can move both ways until the lesson has been fully integrated and we are ready to Ascend to a new way of Being.


All EVIL can be transmuted with LOVE. It may take hard work on our part but it is always worth the effort and the Archangels, Angels and Ascended Masters are ready for you or I to call on. They will gladly teach us what we need to learn in order to grow. The main point is – they will not do the work for us. They can help us and show us the way but we must do the hard yards if we hope to reach a better place.

In this latter part of 2017 we are in another intense energy portal, the Ascension Portal.  It is allowing those of us who have applied ourselves towards transmuting any negative karma or other acts towards others, that is, working on our negative karma, beliefs, etc, to be ready to move into the 5th Dimensional way of Love.  HOWEVER- this does not mean it is the only opportunity to  reach this higher Dimension. As long as we are humans – a Spirit in a human body – here to learn and grow, Karma will be working.  There will always be an opportunity to cancel our negative ties of the past – of the far distant past – from past lifetimes, if we do the work of redressing those negative actions.

Whilst this is great news, it needs to be  understood that whilst ‘you’ may have karmic ties with another and they with you, especially in family situations,  we can only change the karma from our own selves. If the other party has no understanding of karma, does not understand the Spiritual Law you are operating with, they may not sever (cancel) the karmic debt they have with you. You will progress. You will cancel your karmic issues, but theirs will remain.  In this it is an immutable law. You are unable to do the work for another. How else would that soul learn, said Metatron.

I hope this has, at least in part, helped you to understand Karma, The Ascension Process and You and removed any fear that you may “miss out” on this energy portal of 2017. There will be more and all will be well. .