36 Spiritual Protection Power Pack

Spiritual Protection Power Pack


Spiritual Protection Power Pack
Spiritual Protection Power Pack


Spiritual Protection Power Pack
Using these two sprays together provides the ultimate in protection, support and ongoing care.
The Spiritual Protection Spray – offers a shield to your auric field
The Jade offers ongoing protection to your immune system – sprayed on to the higher heart area this links to the Thymus and will help strengthen disposition particularly when aided by hands on healing to this area of the body (although this isn’t compulsory).
One spray concentrates on your outer external self and the other on your inner self.
Please read each sprays individual qualities too.
Jade – contains – Ginger, Thyme and Lemon essential oils
Spiritual Protection includes – Hyssop, Juniper, Angelica, Pine Needle and Bay Leaf essential oils.
Supportive crystal base in each spray as well.
Great for fighting off anything from colds and viruses (eg use when travelling or when in crowded spaces) – to also warding off negative energy as well.
Spiritual Protection Power Pack
See individual sprays for essential oils and crystals used in making each spray, and also for a full description of each sprays properties. See this Spiritual Protectio Power Pack as the solution to strengthening your inner self whilst also protecting it from any unwanted outside influences,