Divine Energy Message Easter 2018

Divine Energy Message Easter 2018


Divine Energy Message Easter 2018

We are told to let our light shine, and if it does, we won’t need to tell anybody it does. Lighthouses don’t fire cannons to call attention to their shining – they just shine. Dwight L. Moody

Easter 2018 has seen a remarkable conjunction of energies bringing light in abundance to us to continue our journeys of growth towards 5D and beyond.  We have seen a beautiful Full / Blue Moon on Saturday 31st March which was an integral part of the Easter Portal.  This Divine Energy Message Easter 2018 comes from several card messages.


Divine Energy Message Easter 2018

Since any journey brings challenges in abundance, it is unsurprising that the first card at this time is WARRIOR.  The Divine Feminine is here. She is calling to the divine feminine in each of us to stand tall and be ready to own the knowledge of our strength to the world.  The power of the truth is huge and carriers a responsibility to not shirk from speaking our truth, not only to others but also to ourselves. You are a WARRIOR in truth so stand strong and tall and shine your light for all to see.

Divine Energy Message Easter 2018

Is it surprising that the next message is HEAL?  Not at all.  As we allowed the truth of all our past to rise up to be released, integrated or acknowledged in whatever way was necessary, you are reminded that it is time to HEAL. With the influx of Light to our planet from the Easter Portal and also from the glorious Full / Blue Moon, you are asked to take the time to allow the alignment and realignment, which might be necessary after the proceeding period.  Remember also the three virtues – Faith, Hope, and Charity, all of which are required to allow true HEALing to occur.  Be gentle with yourselves at this time and enjoy the hiatus as you gather strength from the HEALing process.

Divine Energy Message Easter 2018

We are then asked to allow ourselves to AWAKEN.  AWAKEN to the truth of what you see, hear and experience in your daily life.  People are fallible and professed friendships may be only shallow imitations of fact.  These relationships will fade, whether in a day, week, month or years, they are transient and may cause pain in their passing.  However, you are asked to look at these occurrences and find the message in them for yourself.  What did you learn from this person that you otherwise would have missed?  Even the most painful lessons leave knowledge in their wake; it simply takes time, HEALing and patience to find the wisdom they have left behind.  Remember also that each relationship should be for the Highest Good of each person.  If this is not in balance then you will know that eventually there will be a parting of ways.  Be prepared for these eventualities if you can.

How are you meant to accomplish these things?

Divine Energy Message Easter 2018

UNIVERSE appears to remind you that you can give your cares and worries to her.  There is no need to feel that you must control every eventuality.  Yes, it may be possible to control every aspect of your life but eventually you will face an inevitable “burnout” and then your life will feel as though it is spiralling out of control!  Far better to evaluate what you do and when there are problems, which seem insurmountable, surrender the outcome to the UNIVERSE and be prepared to see what appears to be miraculous situations unfold before you.

Divine Energy Message Easter 2018

PURPOSE appears to bring you the message that you need  to look deeply within and recognise what your real purpose in this life is.  Taking steps, which lead you towards you PURPOSE, will enrich your life with satisfaction and happiness.  You will have a deep-seated knowledge that you are doing good, you are making your world a better place, for not only yourself but for the world as you empower yourself and others by your actions.

Divine Energy Message Easter 2018

What will be the end result of all this?  The final message is BREATHE.  The very act of BREATHing allows the body to exist, without BREATHE we die.  It is the unconscious act of breathing in the energy of the DIVINE, UNIVERSal energy which is the unification of body, mind and soul.  AS we progress in our journey toward 5D Unconditional Love and beyond this joining of Body, Mind and Soul becomes ever more important.  See the carefree figure floating in the energy of the Divine, completely supported, wrapped in Love, surrounded by Spirit as she travels onwards.

Divine Energy Message Easter 2018

Have a glorious journey this Easter and remember to BREATHE deeply of the UNIVERSE’s energy to AWAKEN the WARRIOR within, finding your real PURPOSE, HEAL from past and present events and walk with ease and grace into the bright future.

Much Love, Susan xx

A strangely reflective, even melancholy day. Is that because, unlike our cousins in the northern hemisphere, Easter is not associated with the energy and vitality of spring but with the more subdued spirit of autumn? Hugh Mackay