Divine Energy Message April 23rd to 29th 2018


Divine Energy Message April 23rd to 29th 2018

Divine Energy Message April 23rd to 29th 2018

Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything. Plato

The Divine Energy message for this week is MUSIC.  We have been through many huge changes during this month as the fire energies burn away many of the hurts, disappointments, judgements or resentments which may have been carried forward from the recent past or distant past.

In fact, they may have been languishing within our energy fields for many generations, both relating solely to ourselves or from ancestors who have passed these energetic imprints down the line.  April has presented us with the opportunity to clear away these old imprints and to stop any future generations from being affected by these old energies or newer energies you may have accumulated yourself.  So how can MUSIC be a part of your life?

Divine Energy Message April 23rd to 29th 2018

So what does MUSIC mean to you?  Does this mean the most obvious reference to music as it is heard today, or are you moved by a specific genre of music?  Does it mean Jazz, Blues, Classical, Rock, Reggae, or any other?  Have you stopped to wonder at any other kind of MUSIC you may know but rarely think of?

Humans have relatively recently brought forth MUSIC themselves. I’m referring to your “heart song” or your ‘soul song”.

Long before we began playing instruments, even the very old washboard, spoons, or penny whistle, there has been MUSIC all around us.  Think of the soft sighing of wind through trees, the trilling of water over rocks, the crescendo of a thunderclap, and the clash of lightning sizzling the air.  Then there are the subtle sounds of the slowly moving clouds scudding across the sky, the patter of rain on dry ground, the delicate movement of the grass growing, the infinitesimal movement of the rocks moving or their rushing blast as the molten magma rushes to the surface.  These are all sounds, which can be part of our heart song.  It will be unique to you and you alone since it is only your heart which will hear these sounds in a way a which is just yours.

Divine Energy Message April 23rd to 29th 2018

Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy. Ludwig van Beethoven

Divine Energy Message April 23rd to 29th 2018

What of your soul song?  I’m talking about the grandeur of the wheeling stars and planets of the cosmos.  We may not be aware of this on a conscious level until we take the time to reacquaint ourselves with it once more.  We have become somewhat removed from this song as we are no longer connected to the passage of the starlit sky, or of the sun and moon passing by as we once were.  Nevertheless they are still here with us should we choose to listen as real as the music on a CD.

For our final week in April it is time to reconnect with MUSIC in all its forms.  Revel in whichever MUSIC makes you feel good, feel happy, contented, relaxed and at peace. Sing and dance as though tomorrow is far away.  Let MUSIC lift your soul and heart so you can continue your journey with a lighter step.  Become part of the greater vibration that is the Universe and allow it to expand your own appreciation of all that is possible.  Let your EMOTIONs have free reign and be carried away by MUSIC.  It is time to enjoy yourself after the work you have put into April.

Enjoy your week.

Much love,  Susan  xx