Energy Update for Week March 5th to 11th 2018

Divine Energy Message April 23rd to 29th 2018


Energy Update Week 5th to 11th Feb 2018


“I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be truly happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.” —Albert Schweitzer

This week we have the beautiful card “PURPOSE.”  Look at the gorgeous colours within the card, which draw the eye.  This card speaks to me of eternity – gifts flowing from the Divine, which we are giving out to those who need to hear us, be healed by us, listen to our message.  We are asked to open like the lotus flower and share the beauty we carry within with those around us, no matter how far away they may be.

The light we choose to shine, the life we willing share with others is like the reflection of the lotus in the waters of life.  It is also reflect in the light which is flowing up, out of the centre of the lotus, from the centre of the Cosmos, the centre of the Divine.  The multitude of orbs spiralling up and around is indicative of the gifts we can not only receive but choose to share with others.

Everything about the image is asking us what we wish to do with our lives. Do we know what our ultimate purpose is?  What is it that makes our heart sing as we do it?  Are you aware what particular gifts you have but are perhaps unaware of?  Sometimes we need to ask someone close to us how he or she sees us as we traverse each day if we don’t know ourselves.

It is worthwhile taking the time to listen to your own inner knowingness, to let that inner voice of wisdom speak and to really listen to that wisdom.  So much of what we do on a daily basis can bring joy to someone, or encourage them to reach a little further than they have already.  Being a “role model” or inspiring someone to do what they may have seen, heard or admired as we move through life can be an incredible gift.  Random acts of kindness can have immense flow on effects we may never be aware of, yet they are so important.

What is your purpose?  How can YOU make the world a better place?  Do you need to become active within your community as a healer, a teacher, a spiritual voice for someone else to hear?  Part of being aware of how you fit into this “PURPOSE” is to keep doing what fulfils you, what feels inherently right, even though you may not know who you affect or influence. It is YOUR Time to Shine!

Remember, the energy of the month is NATURE, so we are talking about our inner and outer nature here.  How are you perceived by others? How do you help others to become all they can be?  Are you an observer in life or a participant in creating a beautiful life for all?


#AngelicVibrations, #UniversalProphecyCards, #March5thto11th, #March2018, #Purpose, #TimetoShine,