Divine Energy Message for April 16th to 22nd 2018

Divine Energy Message for April 16th to 22nd 2018

Divine Energy Message for April 16th to 22nd 2018

Someone who takes the time to understand their relationship with source, who actively seeks alignment with their broader perspective, who deliberately seeks and finds alignment with who-they-really -are, is more charismatic, more attractive, more effective, and more powerful than a group of millions who have not achieved this alignment.

Esther Hicks

This week the message is ALIGN.  We are still working within the overarching energy of April, which is EMOTION.  If we look at the message for the week, we need to ask ourselves if we are in ALIGNment with what we are both saying and doing.

Our thoughts are the first emergence of the energies you are putting into our world.  As such you are constantly sending vibration into your daily life and the lives of those you regularly interact with.  These are the most obvious connections you are able to see when your thought energy / vibrations are having an effect on others.  It follows that it is not necessary for the thought to become manifest in an action, although it is much easier to see the ramifications of our thought / action effect.

If you think something, for example, that you are not going to enjoy meeting someone, then before you actually step foot outside the door you have put into motion a train of events that will predispose you to actually having an unpleasant meeting with someone.  This becomes obvious when you need to work closely with another person or people.  In this instance you have ALIGNed your thought with the outcome you first gave energy to, that you would not like, not enjoy, not be able to co-operatively work with someone.  You are in alignment with what you brought into being but is it really what you want in life?

Divine Energy Message for April 16th to April 22nd 2018

A more contented and fulfilling ALIGNment would be to bring the thought in a positive manner, that is, to give it positive energy vibrations.  Create a positive outcome for yourself.  Daydream, if you like, the outcome you want to see.  Become an active co-creator of your positive and happy life.  Think it, Belief it and IT IS SO!

The way to ensure you remain in ALIGNment with your SOUL CALLING, your Highest Potential, and what is in the best interests of the world at a global as well as a personal level, is to understand who and what you are here to do.  Ask for help from the Archangels so you are aware, fully aware,  of what you are here to do.  If you know in your heart what makes your soul sing then you are already on your way to Being totally in ALIGNment.  You can learn so much about yourself when you take time to listen to the song of your soul, that which brings joy to your heart, makes your steps lighter and makes each challenge you face so much easier to manage.

Become your own “master” and understand yourself fully.  In this way you can be assured of making choices which are in ALIGNment with your Higher Self.  Walking through life becomes much easier and smoother when you know the thoughts which start each action are fully ALIGNed with your Divine Plan.  Being ALIGNED in every way ensures your EMOTION’s (April’s overarching energy) are harmonious and bring joy and happiness to both yourself and others.


To live in alignment with your Spirit is to live your truth and build your life upon it.

Sonia Choquette


Enjoy your week. Be positive, in harmony with all you are, and life will flow peacefully.


Much love,  Susan xx