Divine Energy Message April 2nd to April 8th 2018

Divine Energy Message April 2nd to April 8th 2018

This month the overarching energies are EMOTION. There has been a noticeable progression as we move through 2018. EMOTION asks us to take particular attention of where our EMOTIONs are, to acknowledge them, heal them, and maintain a positive energy outlook at all times. (You can see the full forecast for the year here. )

Divine Energy Message April 2nd to April 8th 2018

“Allow yourself to think only those thoughts that match your principles and can bear the bright light of day. Day by day, your choices, your thoughts, your actions fashion the person you become. Your integrity determines your destiny.”

This week the message is to always act in INTEGRITY, yet being in INTEGRITY means so much more than this.  What does it mean to you, to be in complete INTEGRITY with all that you think, say, and do?

Divine Energy Message April 2nd to April 8th 2018

The image of the white Unicorn is a reminder of the purity, innocence, and honesty, which ties all nature together.  We are part of nature, even if we often forget this.  What a beautiful thing to be an integral part of;  that we can inhabit a domain where the purity and innocence of the white Unicorn is alive with us.  She is surrounded by the energy of the Divine, flowing down into her forehead / third eye and of Mother Nature.  We see Sprites and Fairies flying around her.  Is it unsurprising that she is walking amidst a purple floral garden?  I think not.

You are asked to pay closer attention to how you think and feel, and indeed act in any given situation.  Are you acting in truth and INTEGRITY?  It is so easy to make compromises with ourselves when we make a decision over something.  We bend the ‘rules’ or the compromise the truth so that we can make life easier for others or ourselves.  Yet in the end, who really benefits?  Our conscience invariably returns to decisions made which are out of alignment with our Highest Purpose.  We find ourselves doing more to reach our end goal because we failed to act in INTEGRITY at the beginning.  It is all too easy to fall into this trap.

It is only by trusting to our inner guidance, our intuition, and honouring our Higher Self that we can make our decisions, wise decisions.  They are then decisions, actions, thoughts, and feelings, which are in alignment with our Divinity, in complete INTEGRITY with all we are and what we have come here to achieve.

I am suddenly reminded of a part of a song by Johnny Cash, “walk tall, walk straight, and look the world right in the eye.”  This is what we are being reminded of here. We can hold our heads high with grace as we traverse our lives if we but act with INTEGRITY at all times.  (I will find the song and post it to my Facebook page.)

Much love,  Susan  xx

Divine Energy Message April 2nd to April 8th 2018

“Each of us is an artist of our days; the greater our integrity and awareness, the more original and creative our time will become.”
John O’Donohue, To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings