Divine Energy Message for April 16th to 22nd 2018

Divine Energy Message for April 16th to 22nd 2018

Divine Energy Message for April 16th to 22nd 2018

Someone who takes the time to understand their relationship with source, who actively seeks alignment with their broader perspective, who deliberately seeks and finds alignment with who-they-really -are, is more charismatic, more attractive, more effective, and more powerful than a group of millions who have not achieved this alignment.

Esther Hicks

This week the message is ALIGN.  We are still working within the overarching energy of April, which is EMOTION.  If we look at the message for the week, we need to ask ourselves if we are in ALIGNment with what we are both saying and doing.

Our thoughts are the first emergence of the energies you are putting into our world.  As such you are constantly sending vibration into your daily life and the lives of those you regularly interact with.  These are the most obvious connections you are able to see when your thought energy / vibrations are having an effect on others.  It follows that it is not necessary for the thought to become manifest in an action, although it is much easier to see the ramifications of our thought / action effect.

If you think something, for example, that you are not going to enjoy meeting someone, then before you actually step foot outside the door you have put into motion a train of events that will predispose you to actually having an unpleasant meeting with someone.  This becomes obvious when you need to work closely with another person or people.  In this instance you have ALIGNed your thought with the outcome you first gave energy to, that you would not like, not enjoy, not be able to co-operatively work with someone.  You are in alignment with what you brought into being but is it really what you want in life?

Divine Energy Message for April 16th to April 22nd 2018

A more contented and fulfilling ALIGNment would be to bring the thought in a positive manner, that is, to give it positive energy vibrations.  Create a positive outcome for yourself.  Daydream, if you like, the outcome you want to see.  Become an active co-creator of your positive and happy life.  Think it, Belief it and IT IS SO!

The way to ensure you remain in ALIGNment with your SOUL CALLING, your Highest Potential, and what is in the best interests of the world at a global as well as a personal level, is to understand who and what you are here to do.  Ask for help from the Archangels so you are aware, fully aware,  of what you are here to do.  If you know in your heart what makes your soul sing then you are already on your way to Being totally in ALIGNment.  You can learn so much about yourself when you take time to listen to the song of your soul, that which brings joy to your heart, makes your steps lighter and makes each challenge you face so much easier to manage.

Become your own “master” and understand yourself fully.  In this way you can be assured of making choices which are in ALIGNment with your Higher Self.  Walking through life becomes much easier and smoother when you know the thoughts which start each action are fully ALIGNed with your Divine Plan.  Being ALIGNED in every way ensures your EMOTION’s (April’s overarching energy) are harmonious and bring joy and happiness to both yourself and others.


To live in alignment with your Spirit is to live your truth and build your life upon it.

Sonia Choquette


Enjoy your week. Be positive, in harmony with all you are, and life will flow peacefully.


Much love,  Susan xx

Divine Energy Message Easter 2018

Divine Energy Message Easter 2018


Divine Energy Message Easter 2018

We are told to let our light shine, and if it does, we won’t need to tell anybody it does. Lighthouses don’t fire cannons to call attention to their shining – they just shine. Dwight L. Moody

Easter 2018 has seen a remarkable conjunction of energies bringing light in abundance to us to continue our journeys of growth towards 5D and beyond.  We have seen a beautiful Full / Blue Moon on Saturday 31st March which was an integral part of the Easter Portal.  This Divine Energy Message Easter 2018 comes from several card messages.


Divine Energy Message Easter 2018

Since any journey brings challenges in abundance, it is unsurprising that the first card at this time is WARRIOR.  The Divine Feminine is here. She is calling to the divine feminine in each of us to stand tall and be ready to own the knowledge of our strength to the world.  The power of the truth is huge and carriers a responsibility to not shirk from speaking our truth, not only to others but also to ourselves. You are a WARRIOR in truth so stand strong and tall and shine your light for all to see.

Divine Energy Message Easter 2018

Is it surprising that the next message is HEAL?  Not at all.  As we allowed the truth of all our past to rise up to be released, integrated or acknowledged in whatever way was necessary, you are reminded that it is time to HEAL. With the influx of Light to our planet from the Easter Portal and also from the glorious Full / Blue Moon, you are asked to take the time to allow the alignment and realignment, which might be necessary after the proceeding period.  Remember also the three virtues – Faith, Hope, and Charity, all of which are required to allow true HEALing to occur.  Be gentle with yourselves at this time and enjoy the hiatus as you gather strength from the HEALing process.

Divine Energy Message Easter 2018

We are then asked to allow ourselves to AWAKEN.  AWAKEN to the truth of what you see, hear and experience in your daily life.  People are fallible and professed friendships may be only shallow imitations of fact.  These relationships will fade, whether in a day, week, month or years, they are transient and may cause pain in their passing.  However, you are asked to look at these occurrences and find the message in them for yourself.  What did you learn from this person that you otherwise would have missed?  Even the most painful lessons leave knowledge in their wake; it simply takes time, HEALing and patience to find the wisdom they have left behind.  Remember also that each relationship should be for the Highest Good of each person.  If this is not in balance then you will know that eventually there will be a parting of ways.  Be prepared for these eventualities if you can.

How are you meant to accomplish these things?

Divine Energy Message Easter 2018

UNIVERSE appears to remind you that you can give your cares and worries to her.  There is no need to feel that you must control every eventuality.  Yes, it may be possible to control every aspect of your life but eventually you will face an inevitable “burnout” and then your life will feel as though it is spiralling out of control!  Far better to evaluate what you do and when there are problems, which seem insurmountable, surrender the outcome to the UNIVERSE and be prepared to see what appears to be miraculous situations unfold before you.

Divine Energy Message Easter 2018

PURPOSE appears to bring you the message that you need  to look deeply within and recognise what your real purpose in this life is.  Taking steps, which lead you towards you PURPOSE, will enrich your life with satisfaction and happiness.  You will have a deep-seated knowledge that you are doing good, you are making your world a better place, for not only yourself but for the world as you empower yourself and others by your actions.

Divine Energy Message Easter 2018

What will be the end result of all this?  The final message is BREATHE.  The very act of BREATHing allows the body to exist, without BREATHE we die.  It is the unconscious act of breathing in the energy of the DIVINE, UNIVERSal energy which is the unification of body, mind and soul.  AS we progress in our journey toward 5D Unconditional Love and beyond this joining of Body, Mind and Soul becomes ever more important.  See the carefree figure floating in the energy of the Divine, completely supported, wrapped in Love, surrounded by Spirit as she travels onwards.

Divine Energy Message Easter 2018

Have a glorious journey this Easter and remember to BREATHE deeply of the UNIVERSE’s energy to AWAKEN the WARRIOR within, finding your real PURPOSE, HEAL from past and present events and walk with ease and grace into the bright future.

Much Love, Susan xx

A strangely reflective, even melancholy day. Is that because, unlike our cousins in the northern hemisphere, Easter is not associated with the energy and vitality of spring but with the more subdued spirit of autumn? Hugh Mackay

Energy Update for March26th to April 2nd 2018

Energy Update for March26th to April 2nd 2018

Energy Update for March26th to April 2nd 2018

Love and peace of mind do protect us. They allow us to overcome the problems that life hands us. They teach us to survive… to live now… to have the courage to confront each day. Bernie Siegel

This week is the last of March and leads us into the huge energy portal, which is Easter week.  The energies for April will come in next weekend and I will do another reading specifically for Easter then.

March’s overarching energy was NURTURE and we see the month closing with a powerful message – PROTECT.  There is an undeniable feeling of strength and purpose in the warrior’s stance.  He exudes power, restrained force.  He is there to guard against whatever may come, and to protect whatever he stands before.

In order to look after ourselves we must also be prepared to PROTECT all that we are and all we hold dear.  It is a time to take a stand  A time to declare what we stand for and in so doing to be prepared to PROTECT the integrity of that.  It is not a time to vacillate between this or that, to be unsure about where we are heading or even if we are heading in the same direction as someone else.  All that we are, all that we believe in – we are being asked to take a stand and hold to its truth.  The truth as it is in our heart and in our soul, even if that means we must walk this path alone.

Taking a stand and having a voice which others may not agree with has its own ‘dangers’.  There are always those who will try to shout you down, to ridicule you and even to undermine your message.  It takes courage to stand in the face of ‘opposition’.  We therefore need to PROTECT ourselves from this negativity, for that is what all obstacles in our path truly are – negative energy put there to prevent us from following our path.

Spirit reminds us that our NATURE (March’s overarching energy), once it has been declared, may need to have the warrior in place to PROTECT us.  There is nothing wrong or weak in acknowledging that there are situations and indeed other people, from whom we need protection.  Life, our progress in life, our growth as a spiritual being in human form, occasionally demands that we take a stand.  It is also true that we can sometimes fall back on our old patterns in the face of opposition as that is the easier course!  We are asked to stand firm, to affirm our stance and PROTECT our inner child as well as our outspoken visible self.

This is even more important as we head towards the Easter portal.  As we open ourselves to the light, which is entering our planet, we need to PROTECT ourselves from the negative or ‘dark’ energies, which may surface at this time.  Wherever there is an abundance of light, we see an upsurge of darkness.  We can see this in the number of terror attacks and people acting from a place of fear, anger, resentment, or hate.  Surround yourself with light (PROTECT) and you are protected from the ravages of negativity.  The dark, heavy negative energies will flow past you and your light will help them on their path.  Stay in your 5 Dimensional way of being and prepare for more Upgrades.



Energy Update for March 19th to 24th 2018

Energy Update for March 19th to 24th 2018

Perhaps understandably the message of FREE WILL at this time is not only important but very applicable.

Energy Update for March 19th to 24th 2018


“This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.”   Hamlet Act 1, scene 3, 78–82

Yet what message does FREE WILL have for us when we remember the monthly overarching energy is NATURE?  We are asked to look into our own nature, ourselves and see what it means to us.  Are we allowing ourselves to be held back because we lack belief in our ability to do something?  Have we perhaps given away our autonomy to another person because we felt “they knew best”?  Are we afraid to take responsibility for ourselves?

We are currently traversing the great upsurge of emotional outpourings and release which the New Moon on Pisces has brought.  It has allowed old, unwanted, outmoded and energetic ties which are no longer needed to be brought to the surface and released.  Once released these energies allow for the influx of Light, which is coming to us in another ten days.

Here we are being reminded that we alone have the power to choose the path we wish to take.  If we fail to do this we are giving away our FREE  WILL to another.  It is up to us to choose what we believe, how we need to go about performing our daily life, our work, our leisure, our inner hearts desires.  FREE  WILL is reminding us that we have this already. We have been gifted this be our very life and we are able to revel in that ability.  We alone can choose our own path, can decide to change ourselves.

Talking about FREE  WILL seems, in many ways, to be something, which should be self-evident to everyone, and yet we know that this is not the case.  Some people feel, or are psychologically overwhelmed into believing they are incapable of deciding their own fate. Therefore, I drew two support cards for us.  They were WARRIOR and AFFIRM.  Powerful reminders that we are Free and Powerful human beings!

Energy Update for March 19th to 24th 2018

Energy Update for March 19th to 24th 2018













“You cannot hinder someone’s free will, that’s the first law of  the Universe, no matter what the decision.”
E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly

What does WARRIOR say to you?  She stands there proud and FREE, unashamedly powerful and unafraid to face whatever may occur.  She is willing to take life on in any way at all and using her power for good. She is embodying FREE WILL

We frequently need reminding of the power of Affirmations, and this is what AFFIRM is telling you.  Remind yourself through Affirmations of the powerful being you are.  This is you Affirmation for this week :  I have FREE WILL in every choice, in every action, in every thought I undertake today and every day.  I am a powerful WARRIOR and FREE WILL is my RIGHT!

Enjoy FREE WILL as you AFFIRM to the WARRIOR inside you thatyou are the orchestrator of your future.


#AngelicVibrations, #UniversalOracleCards, #March19thto24th2018, #March2018, #FreeWill, #Warrior, #Affirm, #changeyourself, #chooseyourpath

Energy Update for March 12th to 18th 2018

Perhaps it is not a total surprise that this week’s card is LOVE.  2018, an 11 year,  a year which is all about Change, New Change and New Ideas being birthed, what more pivotal relationship is there to focus on than LOVE?

Energy Update for March 12th to 18th 2018

“A thousand candles can be lighted from the flame of one candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness can be spread without diminishing that of yourself.”   Mahatma Gandhi

We have the beautiful image of the two heart shaped candles.  We see the rosy glow of the heart and the flame burning brightly within.  Is this a good analogy for LOVE?  Yes, I think so.  The heart is always depicted as red, red for hearts blood, red for the blood we feel we bleed when the heart is hurt, broken, or damaged in some way.  The flame represents the warmth we feel when LOVE is present, when the heart (symbolic) is filled with the glow of love, which is burning brightly as love fills us.  It is a glow we emit when we are filled with the light of love and are sharing it with those we meet, those we send our love to and to ourselves also.

The overarching energy for this month is Nature – Mother Nature and our own nature.  Where does LOVE fit into this energy?  Very simply it is within everything, and in many ways, we need to be reminded of this.  Without LOVE for ourselves, for the world around us and for everyone else within our world, (and the beings from outside our world!), this life, our very existence would be a darker place.

LOVE is a relationship, which must begin with you.  How can you fully love anything or anyone else if you cannot love yourself?  This month, a time when we have another Blue Moon, which appears at its very end, marks it as another very important time for us.  It also falls within Easter, a time of love, pain, rebirth, and a promise of a life beyond the one we live physically.  We are not asked to accept the documented version of Easter, though you can if you wish to.  Yet you are asked to think of the love for all living creatures and behave with due reverence for life itself, including your own.

When one considers all which surround us this March it is not surprising at all that we are reminded to make sure we have room and more to place LOVE within all we think and do.  Take this reminder to add love into your life, each day, and each person whose path we cross and life does have an opportunity to become great.

Remember, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” King James Bible.

Love is greater than “a candle in the wind.”  It is greater than one man laying down his life for another.

It is being asked to live your life for another, making “the whole greater than the sum of its parts.”Aristotle

Energy Update for March 12th to 18th 2018


#AngelicVibrations, #UniversalProphecyCards, #March2018, #March12thto18th, #Love, #Nature,#aCandleintheWind

Energy Update for Week March 5th to 11th 2018


Energy Update Week 5th to 11th Feb 2018


“I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be truly happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.” —Albert Schweitzer

This week we have the beautiful card “PURPOSE.”  Look at the gorgeous colours within the card, which draw the eye.  This card speaks to me of eternity – gifts flowing from the Divine, which we are giving out to those who need to hear us, be healed by us, listen to our message.  We are asked to open like the lotus flower and share the beauty we carry within with those around us, no matter how far away they may be.

The light we choose to shine, the life we willing share with others is like the reflection of the lotus in the waters of life.  It is also reflect in the light which is flowing up, out of the centre of the lotus, from the centre of the Cosmos, the centre of the Divine.  The multitude of orbs spiralling up and around is indicative of the gifts we can not only receive but choose to share with others.

Everything about the image is asking us what we wish to do with our lives. Do we know what our ultimate purpose is?  What is it that makes our heart sing as we do it?  Are you aware what particular gifts you have but are perhaps unaware of?  Sometimes we need to ask someone close to us how he or she sees us as we traverse each day if we don’t know ourselves.

It is worthwhile taking the time to listen to your own inner knowingness, to let that inner voice of wisdom speak and to really listen to that wisdom.  So much of what we do on a daily basis can bring joy to someone, or encourage them to reach a little further than they have already.  Being a “role model” or inspiring someone to do what they may have seen, heard or admired as we move through life can be an incredible gift.  Random acts of kindness can have immense flow on effects we may never be aware of, yet they are so important.

What is your purpose?  How can YOU make the world a better place?  Do you need to become active within your community as a healer, a teacher, a spiritual voice for someone else to hear?  Part of being aware of how you fit into this “PURPOSE” is to keep doing what fulfils you, what feels inherently right, even though you may not know who you affect or influence. It is YOUR Time to Shine!

Remember, the energy of the month is NATURE, so we are talking about our inner and outer nature here.  How are you perceived by others? How do you help others to become all they can be?  Are you an observer in life or a participant in creating a beautiful life for all?


#AngelicVibrations, #UniversalProphecyCards, #March5thto11th, #March2018, #Purpose, #TimetoShine,

March 2018 Ride The Winds of Change


March 2018 – Metatron’s message: Ride the Winds of Change – Change is in the air wherever you are….. It’s time to be the change and make a difference.

A month of change. A look at the terror of the past and more upheavals to come. Gaia’s continuing changes reflect our own. Become a voice of change and Ride the Winds of Change which is 2018, an 11 year, a year of duality, a chance to be the change for yourself and for all. One moment can define your life. Choose change.

Energy Update for February 26th to March 4th 2018


Energy Update for February 26th to March 4th 2018

“Our revels now are ended. These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits and
Are melted into air, into thin air:
And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capp’d towers, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Ye all which it inherit, shall dissolve
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.” …….William Shakespeare, The Tempest.


Energy Update for 2018.
12 month Energy Reading for 2018

This week we move from February’s energies and into March.  This year is all about Change, New Ideas, Updates, Change in the way we think, feel or do everything within our lives.  February’s over-arching energy was MOVE and March is NATURE.  Of course, as the wheel of the year turns everything changes and this year we are being asked to move synchronistical with external and internal changes,

The two cards to take us through to the end of February and the beginning of March are ENCHANTMENT and GUARDIANS.  Both messages belong together this week and do fit in beautifully together.

Energy Update for February 26th to March 4th 2018
Enchantment, February to March 2018

With Enchantment we see the huge luminosity of a full moon (perfect for March 1/2), drawing the spellbound gaze of a young boy sitting on a ledge.  He is enraptured by the vista, mesmerized by it, and I hear captured by the stories playing through his imagination.  It is from “the stuff of dreams” that the seeds of the present and the future are born and released.  We are reminded that dreams do not vanish always, but often are changed as they are shaped by the changes times can bring.  It is the “Inner Child” we must remember, nurture and welcome into our daily life who can keep those dreams alive.

The eye is drawn symbolically to the closeness of the moon, reminiscent of the Blue Moon last month, and yet the small child holds space before her without losing itself.  They show no fear as they perch above the skyline – for their inner imagining sees no barriers to what may be possible.  This is what we are asked to remember also.  Never lose sight of your dreams.  Be open to any possibilities but be flexible enough to adapt to changes.  The Universe is their oyster, is indeed our oyster, and we have but to reach towards it with our heart and spirit to lead us towards a future undreamed of.  All things are possible if we dare to dream.

Energy Update for February 26th to March 4th 2018
Guardians, February -March 2018

GUARDIANS is a beautiful image, which always brings comfort.  Within its depths, we see the immensity of Spirit, our loved ones and our Guardians stretching away into the infinite Universe.  The huge wingspan reminds me of Archangel Metatron and Michael, and all the others we are connected to who are there to offer guidance, teaching, and comfort when needed.

Remember that in as much as Guardians surround us we are also Guardians ourselves, of our loved ones, family, friends, and our planet.  It is also a reminder that we are part of this greater cosmic circle of life and need to be an active participant within it.  It is no longer time for us to stand back for someone else to take responsibility for what is happening or will happen in the future.  We, each of us, have a responsibility to take positive actions, for ourselves and to help others so that the dreams of the future can indeed take shape.  As such the Enchantment and dreams of the Inner Child are able to come forth only when we becomes active as Guardians ourselves, knowing we are assisted by our own Guardians in moving forward together to a better, 5D way of life.  It is a time to dream, be playful, live life fully and consciously supported by our loved ones as we support others.

As we move towards NATURE, we remember that it is the physical beauty of Mother Earth, our need to be close to her and grounded within her and also to our inner self.  The connection between our very natures and the world we inhabit is called into play. The earthly cycles are as important as the cycle of life, is the cycle of life!  As we see our weather patterns showing such upheaval, a reflection of Gaia, we also see the sometimes violent upheaval within ourselves – such as the shooting in Florida, the shooting deaths of two people by police in one week in South East Queensland, Australia.
We are asked to balance our Inner Child and the outward signs of a 3D world with the true nature of a 5D world.  Nature is doing this in a noticeable way, so too are we asked to sometimes go through dramatic changes to allow our true nature to shine.  The playful, engaging, dreaming Inner Child also has a great resilience to setbacks.  They dream a little more until the dream is reality, they bring their true Nature into being.


Blessings, Susan xx

#AngelicVibrations, #UniversalProphecyCards, #Enchantment, #Guardians, #FullMoon, #February26toMarch4, #February2018, #March2018, #InnerChild, #Magic, #SpiritualSupport,